California Coalition on Workers' Compensation


Balanced Reform Requires a Balanced Approach

Creating a more equitable workers’ compensation system is critical to maintaining the health and productivity of California’s businesses and their employees. We are the only organization solely focused on improving the state’s workers’ compensation program, and the only coalition driving reform from an employer-only perspective.

Our team of legislative advocates and industry leaders collaborate with state lawmakers and regulatory agencies to deliver meaningful system change. We not only aggressively advocate on behalf of our members, but also work hand-in-hand alongside them.

The coalition’s success is grounded in an approach that values everyone affected by the law. We propose solutions meant to contain costs for employers while providing appropriate and ample benefits to injured workers. Companies care deeply about their workers’ health and well-being, and this commitment is not forgotten in our negotiations for more balanced reform.

Educating the industry is also an important component to our advocacy efforts and a role our coalition takes seriously. By providing a thorough understanding of the system’s shortcomings, we hope to ignite change. Lawmakers must have the most accurate information upon which to base their decisions; it is our job to deliver the facts. Our Annual Legislative and Educational Forum is viewed as the industry’s signature educational event. Our annual Legislative Day provides our members the opportunity to voice their concerns face-to-face with state lawmakers.

The successful passing of balanced legislation is not an endpoint for us. Our coalition continues to press for appropriate implementation of enacted law – most recently the significant reform package, Senate Bill 863, passed in 2012.

Examples of our advocacy at work:

  • Collaborating with state departments, boards and commissions on developing rational workers’ compensation policy
  • Providing expert testimony during committee hearings
  • Actively lobbying members of the Legislature and executive branch on legislation
  • Organizing employer coalitions to influence legislative and regulatory proposals
  • Assessing trends in proposed legislation to strategize more effective means of promoting system balance